Waste Not Wednesdays


Limiting our food and food storage waste does not have to be through drastic day to day changes. OEED’s mission shows us that easy, thoughtful actions can benefit our self, family, community and environment. These actions can be something as simple as trying to eat up your leftovers or repurposing them into other meals, or as intentional as using that frozen bagel later on for some homemade croutons. As a mother, raising two young boys to value where their food comes, how to prepare it and how to limit their waste, I want to set an example that is attainable and habitual. Teaching them to save that bagel, store it and pull it out another day to make a new dish starts with awareness. An awareness that even one novel daily action (as simple as saving your bread scraps) can spark a change in self, family and community that benefit our present and future paths.

To find more inspiration for cooking with your children and to view our “Waste Not Wednesdays” series, follow us @littlesensorychefs on Instagram.

Sarah Hahn

  • I am a mother, speech and feeding therapist, chef, aspiring gardener and contributor to Our Earth Every Day